First W0rld Championship for Teams 1937 Final Austria vs USA

The first official recognized World Championship for Open and Ladies Teams was arranged by IBL (predecessor to EBL and WBF) 1937 in Budapest, where Austria won (Paul Sterns "Wunderteam") the Open Teams playing the Vienna system.
The video is a recreation of the final between Austria and USA, based on Paul Sterns record from 1938. It shows bidding and play for all 96 boards in the open room and in the closed rooms when a swing occurred. Modern scoring is used. The most interesting boards is commented by Paul Stern.
The most interesting deals, usually where a swing occurred, can be found in the 1937 scoring document. The video is divided into four parts, which reflects the actual seating's.
The final can also be viewed with a Bridge Movie program, BridgeVu or NetBridgeVu. The programs are rather old (updates are frozen) and may not work on some Windows 10 systems. If one program does not work, the other may work. NetBridgeVu is installed in a new folder "Bridge Base Online". To run program select first the LIN file and right click and select NetBridgeVu.
The most recent Bridge Movie program by BBO (only available online) is Handviewer, but it's more complicated to use. It requires that the LIN files is wrapped in a XML file and stored and accessed on a server. More info in the Handviewer description, "Loading an external .lin file through a parameter".
An interesting deal from WC in Mixed, played by the Swedish winner Elena Friberg